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Get Rid Of Cold Sores

8 items filtered*
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8 items*
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Get rid of cold sores

Get fast relief from the pain and symptoms of cold sores. To effectively get rid of cold sores, it's ideal to have cold sore medication on hand to apply at the first sign of tingling or discomfort. You can be ready with cold sore treatment from the selection here at Brands such as Campho-phenique, Releev, and Abreva can offer the healing and care you need to get rid of cold sores.

Options for treatment

The assortment of home remedies fpr cold sores available here includes various formulas that can meet your needs. Try a one-day treatment to get rid of cold sores, a drying gel, or a treatment made specifically for the pain associated with cold sores. Some medications are available in easy-to-use pumps, sanitary applicators or tubes.

Treat canker sores and more

Also browse canker sore relief products for sores within the mouth. There are canker sore patches, gels and more than can alleviate discomfort and help you heal. Some canker sore treatments can even form a barrier over the canker sores to protect them and speed healing.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.