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Frequently Asked Questions: Toys & Games
Toys can provide kids with hours of playtime enjoyment, giving them opportunities to use their imaginations and develop important skills. Walgreens can help you easily find the perfect toy to delight and excite your child. We make toy shopping easy with a large selection of products and different purchasing options including in-store shopping, Pickup and Same Day Delivery.
- Does Walgreens sell toys for kids?
Yes, Walgreens sells a diverse assortment of toys for kids. Whether you need something for a baby shower gift, a birthday present to delight a toddler or a special surprise for your preschooler, grade-schooler or older child, you can find the perfect item in our selection.
- What types of toys does Walgreens sell?
At Walgreens, we offer toys that appeal to kids of all ages. Treat your child to toys that feature their favorite characters from books like Harry Potter, television shows like Paw Patrol and movies like Disney's Frozen.
You can shop by brand to see the latest toys from LEGO, Melissa & Doug, Little Tikes, Fisher-Price and other popular brands.
Shopping by category allows you to browse our full selection of baby and toddler toys, stuffed animals, action figures, dolls, outdoor toys, puzzles, card games, board games and many other types of toys.
- Can I buy toys in-store at Walgreens?
Yes, we have a variety of toys available for purchase in-store at Walgreens, allowing you to pick up fun items for the children in your life while taking care of the rest of your shopping list.
- How do I know which toys my Walgreens has in-store?
You can easily find out which toys your local Walgreens has in stock here on our website.
Check the top of this page to see if there is currently a store name listed. If not, use your location or shop by city, state or ZIP code to find the Walgreens store where you intend to shop. Once your store is selected, you can see if a toy is available. If it’s not, click “Check other stores” to see availability at other stores near you.
If you’re on a specific product description page, look under “How would you like to receive this item?”. You’ll see if the toy is available for Pickup. Check to see if there is currently a store name listed. If there is, you can see if the toy is available at that location. If it’s not available, click “Check other stores” to find out if it’s available for Pickup at another location in your area.
- Can I buy toys online at Walgreens?
Yes, many toys are available to buy online at Walgreens for both delivery and Pickup. You’ll see "in stock for shipping" for toys that you can purchase online and have shipped to your home. Toys may also be available for Pickup at select Walgreens locations. You can see if an item is available at a store near you. If it’s available, you can order online for in-store Pickup. Online availability information is also featured on the product description pages.
- Can I have toys delivered from Walgreens?
Yes, some toys can be purchased online and delivered. You can see if any of the toys on this page are in stock for shipping. You can also click on any toy to find out if it’s available for shipping or Same Day Delivery.
- Can I order toys from Walgreens for Pickup?
Yes, select products can be purchased online and picked up at your local Walgreens in as little as 30 minutes. You can see if any of the toys on this page are in stock for Pickup at your local Walgreens. You can also click on any toy to see the product description page which indicates if a particular item is available for Pickup. For available toys, click the “Pickup” box. Pickup options vary from store to store. When you complete your order, you can specify whether you wish to come inside, take advantage of curbside delivery or use the drive-thru to receive your order, depending on availability.
In addition to same-day Pickup, we also offer free shipping to your preferred Walgreens location on any toy that is currently available to buy online. Just select store shipping during checkout. For both same day and ship-to-store orders, you will receive an email when your purchase is ready for you to pick up. You can also opt-in to receive text notifications.
* Restrictions apply. See for more information.