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Bar Soap

123 items filtered*
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123 items*
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Bar Soap

Bar soap comes in many varieties, some of which are scented while others are fragrance-free. If you have sensitive skin, opt for a fragrance-free soap. If your skin is particularly dry, purchase a moisturizing soap. Antibacterial soap is designed to eliminate bacteria from your skin. This type of bar soap can be drying because of the cleansing ingredients like triclocarban, which is an antibacterial. Additionally, antibacterial soap can contain fragrances, so make sure that you read the label if you have any skin allergies.

Fragrance-Free Soap

Bar soap that does not contain fragrance additives is ideal for people with sensitive skin. You may also find hypoallergenic soap in this section as well since most of them do not contain fragrances; the ones that are scented are typically because of natural essential oils. Most fragrance-free soaps also contain ingredients that enhance moisture naturally, such as goat milk. As an alternative, consider liquid soap which also has fragrance-free varieties. carries bar and liquid soaps from well-known brands such as Dove and Canus.

Moisturizing Bar Soap

Moisturizing soap is an option that adds moisture to your skin. If your skin is prone to oil, this is not an ideal bar soap option for you. Some of the moisturizing ingredients can include olive oil and honey for natural soaps. Another popular ingredient found in moisturizing soaps is shea butter, which is soothing and gentle on the skin. Some of the other ingredients that are typically found in moisturizing soaps include added protein, vitamins and nutrients for healthy skin.

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