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Cough Syrup

52 items filtered*
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52 items*
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Cough syrup

Cough syrup products are designed to help soothe the throat and stop you from coughing. Whether you need to purchase this product for a child, yourself or just want a particular flavor, there are several options to choose from. offers cough syrup brands like Nature's Way, Traditional Medicinals and Hyland's.

Children's cough syrup

Children's cough medicine typically comes in a variety of sweet and fun flavors that are designed to make the medicine more tolerable when it is time for consumption. Some of the cough syrup flavors you will find include grape, cherry and strawberry. Among those, cherry and grape are two of the most popular cough medicine flavors. The cough syrup you will find typically treats other symptoms that are associated with the common cold, some of which include sneezing and runny nose. This is one aspect to consider when choosing the cough syrup you wish to purchase for your child.

Cough syrup for adults

Adult cough medicine is made for the same purpose as the children's cough medicine, which is to suppress coughing. Some of the adult medicine you will find also treats other symptoms associated with the common cold. You will also find some cough syrup options that contain an antihistamine, which helps relieve allergy symptoms. There are organic cough syrups that contain natural ingredients, such as honey, peppermint and glycerin, which are included to soothe the throat and promote throat health through natural means. This type of cough medicine usually requires refrigeration after it has been opened.

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