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Curly Hair Relaxers

8 items filtered*
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8 items*
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Curly hair relaxers

For a long-term hair straightening treatment, try a curly hair relaxer that can smooth various hair textures and types. Gentle, no-lye relaxers are available in both children's hair relaxers and hair relaxing kits for adults. Some curly hair relaxers can even help restore your hair's color while they straighten. Find trusted ethnic hair care brands Luster's, Africa's Best and SoftSheen Carson here at

Caring for your hair

Curly hair relaxers can hydrate, nourish and condition your hair. If you have a sensitive scalp, choose a hair relaxer that's ammonia- and peroxide-free. Some relaxer straighteners can even straighten without breakage, detangle or withstand dyeing and highlighting. There are also straightener products that can relax and color your hair at the same time.

Straightening alternatives

There are many alternatives if you are looking for hair straighteners. You can use a tool such as a hair straightener or flat iron, you can try chemical perms and straighteners or you can use serums or other products. Whether you're looking for permanent hair straightening or a more temporary treatment, there are many options to create your ideal hairstyle.

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