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Dental Chewing Gum

128 items filtered*
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128 items*
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Dental Chewing Gum

Chewing gum is a habit of many people, including adults and children. Many people find chewing gum provides stress relief and they also like the way gum keeps their mouth feeling clean and their breath smelling fresh. If you're among those who love to chew gum, being smart about the chewing gum you purchase and enjoy can make a big difference in the health of your mouth. Some chewing gum products contain sugar and can actually contribute to tooth decay; however, not all chewing gum is bad for your teeth. Dental chewing gum is developed specifically to benefit the teeth and gums while you chew. Typically free of sugar, dental chewing gum does not just make the mouth feel cleaner. It can actually help to clean the teeth and gums to promote oral health. With a dental chewing gum, you can enjoy the pleasing sensation and stimulation of chewing a tasty gum without having to worry about the effects of your treat on the health of your mouth.

Healthier Teeth and Gums with Dental Chewing Gum

Because of the popularity of dental chewing gum, there are many different options available on the market. Dental chewing gum products each offer their own unique benefits for the mouth because of the differences in their formulas. All dental chewing gums help promote oral health by increasing the amount of saliva released by the salivary glands, and this natural bodily fluid is essential for keeping the gums moist while fighting bacteria. Some dental chewing gums contain baking soda, which helps to neutralize odors in the mouth and can even reduce discoloration of the dental enamel. Xylitol is another common ingredient in dental chewing gums. A natural sugar alcohol, xylitol gives gum a sweet, pleasant taste but also offers benefits for the teeth. This is because xylitol prevents certain bacteria from reproducing along the teeth and gum line. Over time, this can lead to a decrease in the harmful bacteria that contribute to cavities and irritate the gums. If you're not certain which type of dental chewing gum is best to meet your oral health needs, ask your dentist for a personalized recommendation.

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