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Facial Sunblock

73 items filtered*
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73 items*
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Facial sunblock

Using facial sunblock will help protect your face from the harmful effects of the sun. Often, using sunblock on your face can help soothe and revitalize your skin, while helping cut down on your risk for skin cancer. With so many types of facial sunblock available, you should have no problem finding one that fits your needs and skin type. carries most common sunblock brands like Coppertone and Aveeno.

Picking the right sunscreen for you

Before you choose your facial sunblock, you should be sure to read the label. Make sure the SPF is high enough to give you the protection you need. You need to be aware of whether your sunblock works with or without makeup. Some sunblock is made with vegan materials. Also, some facial moisturizers can double as sunblock. There are even sunblocks available for pregnant women. This facial sunblock also protects against chloasma on pregnant women.

Using sunblock

When using facial sunblock, be sure to apply it before you expose your skin to the sun. If you are in the sun for an extended time, you may want to reapply your sunblock, even with waterproof sunscreens. If you go swimming, or sweat after a day in the heat, be sure to reapply it as well, even if you are wearing a waterproof sunblock. You should reapply sunblock if you towel dry, too.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.