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Heartburn Remedies

29 items filtered*
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29 items*
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Heartburn remedies

When you suffer from a burning sensation in your chest, you need heartburn remedies. Heartburn products relieve the symptoms of heartburn caused by eating certain foods. Heartburn remedies can come in a liquid form, capsules or in chewable form.

Choosing upset stomach liquids

Upset stomach liquids typically have a bright pink color and a thick consistency. The product works effectively against heartburn because it coats the lining of your stomach in the thick liquid. These products reduce the symptoms of heartburn, relieve an upset stomach and help those who suffer from diarrhea. You can also find liquid heartburn remedies with an added flavoring such as strawberry or mint. You also have the option of using Milk of Magnesia, which has a white color and a thinner consistency. These heartburn remedies come in many different flavors, including the original version or unflavored version.

Other stomach relief products

Liquid heartburn remedies often have a chalky aftertaste that you might not like. You can still find products that reduce your heartburn symptoms, including tablets and chewable antacids. Chewable antacids reduce the acid that builds up your stomach and esophagus, which can cause heartburn. When shopping for chewable tablets, you can find flavored or unflavored versions. The tablets come in a traditional capsule form and a softgel antacid form that dissolves faster. Some companies even make capsule antacids that dissolve in water. Before you pick one of the heartburn remedies, make sure that it reduces heartburn. Some of the antacids on the market fight the symptoms of acid reflux disorder, not heartburn.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.