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Heavy Duty Canes

5 items filtered*
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5 items*
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Heavy duty canes

The materials such as steel used to make heavy duty canes make them ideal for larger individuals and long-term use. Most bariatric canes can support up to 500 pounds. You can choose between those with one tip and 4-tipped quad canes that can offer extra stability. Heavy duty canes for different heights, weights and needs are available from TFI Medical.

Other canes and mobility assistance

Our selection of heavy duty canes includes models for tall users, as well as an adjustable walking cane. There are also many other types of canes that can help make walking easier. Other adjustable canes can be used at the height you're most comfortable with. Folding canes are lightweight and are easy to store and travel with. Cane tips are available to replace worn-out tips for a non-slip grip on floors.

Bariatric home health care

There are many options in our home medical area for bariatric patient care. Other mobility aids include extra wide walkers and rolling walkers, bariatric wheelchairs, and heavy duty crutches. Try a bariatric wheelchair cushion for extra comfort. You'll also find heavy duty transport chairs, home commodes, and bath & shower chairs.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.