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Heel Pain

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Heel pain

Heel pain can come about because you wear the wrong size shoes, your shoes wear down or your shoes put too much pressure on your legs. Using certain products like heel ointment, inserts, or even oral drops or tablets can reduce any pain or discomfort that you feel in your heels. offers products for heel pain from well-known brands like Dr. Scholl's.

Choosing heel inserts

Heel inserts are one way to reduce pain and discomfort in your feet. The inserts come in several different types, including gel inserts, silicone inserts and heel lifts. You can also find massaging foot inserts that slowly massage your heels as you walk. The inserts have a curved design that you slip into your shoes. The inserts are lower at the front and higher at the back, which lets the inserts cushion your heel. Using inserts can reduce heel pain because the inserts reduce the pressure on your heels. You might prefer adjustable heel lifts because you can adjust the fit of the lift until your heel feels comfortable.

Heel pain kit

A heel pain relief kit is another option for some. The kit comes with a device that you use for stretching your heels and lower legs. This device lets you rock your foot back and forth, which can relieve heel pain. The kit also comes with a set of silicone heel cups that you use in your shoes for daily relief from heel pain. You can get further relief from your heel pain with a foot massager or foot spa. These devices gently massage your feet, which can release tension in the heels.

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