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Hemorrhoid Ointments

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Hemorrhoid Ointments

Hemorrhoids are a common issue affecting both men and women. Walgreens offers a complete selection of non-prescription products that can help relieve hemorrhoid symptoms. These products are good to have on hand if you or someone in your family suffers from hemorrhoids and need relief from burning and itching. Keep some in the medicine cabinet because you never know when you'll need them.

What To Do About Hemorrhoids

When you're experiencing itching and burning from hemorrhoids, it's good to know non-prescription relief is available. One of the most popular ways to relieve hemorrhoid discomfort is with a hemorrhoid ointment like Preparation H. Hemorrhoid ointments help soothe the inflammation of hemorrhoids and ease other hemorrhoid symptoms like itching and burning. Hemorrhoid ointments are formulated with an ingredient that constricts or clamps down on inflamed blood vessels and helps calm inflammation and irritation. One common blood vessel constricting ingredient in hemorrhoid ointments is called phenylephrine. Other hemorrhoid ointments contain a medication called pramoxine that directly targets pain.

Moisturizing and Protecting

Hemorrhoid ointments are also formulated with ingredients that moisturize and protect inflamed areas. Some of the most common of these ingredients are lanolin and glycerin. Lanolin and glycerin form a soothing, protective coating over the hemorrhoid that helps protect the inflamed anal area while keeping it moist. This combination can help reduce itching, burning and makes having a bowel movement less uncomfortable. Hemorrhoid ointments are formulated to provide relief for both internal and external hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid ointments are only one way to deliver soothing relief to inflamed hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid creams, wipes and suppositories are other options.

Is Hemorrhoid Ointment Safe?

Hemorrhoid ointments are among the most common treatments doctors recommend for relieving minor hemorrhoid symptoms. Side effects with these products are uncommon, although it's possible to experience an allergic reaction to one or more ingredients hemorrhoid ointments.

Long-Lasting Hemorrhoid Ointment Relief

Looking for prolonged relief? Some hemorrhoid ointments offer hemorrhoid symptom relief that lasts up to eight hours. Apply it once and you can get on with your day without being sidetracked by hemorrhoid itching and discomfort. Maximum-strength hemorrhoid ointments are available for tackling tough hemorrhoid symptoms. The active ingredient in these products is a topical form of benzocaine. Benzocaine is an ingredient used on the surface of the skin to relieve pain and itching due to skin irritation. When using products that contain benzocaine, only use them externally on the skin and only as directed or as recommended by your doctor.

When Hemorrhoid Symptoms Persist

Non-prescription hemorrhoid products offer targeted, temporary relief of minor rectal burning and irritation due to hemorrhoids. If you don't get symptom relief or the symptoms persist, see your doctor. Also see your doctor or health care provider if you have bleeding from your rectum or are unsure whether hemorrhoids are causing your symptoms.

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