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Organic Baby Lotion

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Organic Baby Lotion

Your baby's skin is brand new. You know how soft and fresh your little one's skin is right after a bath. However, you may not realize just how delicate that brand new tissue really is. Babies' fragile skin needs daily care to remain in good health and decrease the likelihood of irritation and skin care problems developing. Walgreens can help you take the best possible care of your little one's skin with an assortment of organic baby lotion products.

Baby Lotion Benefits

Baby lotion is considered a staple of infant skin care. Dry air indoors or outdoors, water from the tub and hot temperatures can all reduce the moisture content of babies' skin. This can lead to dryness, which can cause symptoms like itchiness and flaking. Talk to your pediatrician about when it is best to start using baby lotion on your infant.

Applying a baby lotion can help to replenish lost moisture and create a protective seal over a baby's skin to reduce evaporation. You may need to apply baby lotion more frequently if your child's skin is prone to dryness. Baby lotion products that are hypoallergenic and fragrance-free are often suggested.

What Does Organic Mean?

Organic baby lotions are a special type of baby lotion product. All organic baby lotions are natural products. However, the exact definition of organic can vary. A product that is organic has been assessed by a third-party organization, council or government agency and certified as meeting their organic standards.

Requirements for certification vary greatly among certifying bodies. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is the main certifier of organic products in the USA. The USDA defines organic as a natural substance grown and processed without the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, genetic modification and irradiation. To gain USDA certification, a baby lotion must have at least 95 percent organic content.

The product descriptions of organic body lotions should specify which group or agency granted the certification. If the product was not certified by the USDA, you'll need to look up the group's certification standards to find out what definition of organic the organization uses.

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