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Orthopedic Back Braces

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Orthopedic back braces

Find relief from back pain with orthopedic back braces. To choose a back brace from the variety of types and styles we carry, focus on your unique needs. There are braces that offer lower back support and can be worn under your clothes throughout the day. Therapeutic back supports that include heating or cooling elements can be worn at home while you relax. Industrial belts are worn over your clothes and offer extra support as you lift, move or do strenuous activities at work or at home. Orthopedic back braces from Champion and OTC Professional Orthopaedic are here at

Back support options

In addition to orthopedic back braces, there are other back support products that may help alleviate back pain. Abdominal binders can help support weak abdominal muscles or hold wound dressings in place as well as offer lower back relief. Lumbar support cushions may be a simple solution to easing back pain. You can use a lumbar cushion at work, home or in the car. More cushioned support for your feet could be the answer. Check with your doctor to see if orthotics could provide immediate relief.

More orthopedic support

If you need athletic braces and supports for any other strains or injuries, carries braces for ankles, knees, and wrists, too. Braces for your elbow and shoulders range from elbow straps to slings. You can also find athletic wraps and tapes for application almost anywhere you need it.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.