Over The Counter Flu
Over the counter flu
Help care for a family member or for yourself with over-the-counter flu medicines. Whether you want to relieve a fever, sore throat, congestion or other symptoms, choose a cold and flu relief product that can alleviate discomfort. You'll find over-the-counter flu and cold medication from brands such as Vicks, TheraFlu and Robitussin here at Walgreens.com.
Finding comfort
If you prefer multi-symptom relief try caplets that are easier for some to take, or a liquid in a flavor that appeals to you. Decongestants and cough suppressants such as cough syrup also come in different forms and flavors. For help falling and staying asleep, try nighttime cold and flu relief that can help you get the restorative rest you may need.
Additional options
For on-the-go symptom relief, try cough drops and lozenges. Some herbal teas can also soothe sore throats and help ease coughing. Avoid dehydration with warm soup or broth, or cold sports drinks or water. You can even take steps to avoid catching a cold or flu by taking immune support tablets or a multivitamin that includes vitamin C.