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Pedicure Kit

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Pedicure Kit

To pamper your feet, it pays to invest in a pedicure kit that contains everything you need to trim your toenails, soften hard skin, and give your tootsies a complete makeover. At Walgreens, we have a selection of pedicure kits that provide all of the tools you need for a spa-like experience right in your own home.

Clip Your Toenails

Because your toenails are usually thicker and harder to trim than your fingernails, you will find toenail clippers in many pedicure kits. If you soak your feet prior to clipping your toenails, you will most likely find them softer and easier to cut.

Care for Your Cuticles

The cuticles on your toenails can be gently pushed back to keep the nail bed neat and tidy. It's beneficial to push cuticles back prior to applying nail polish. Push your cuticles gently with the blunt end of a cuticle pusher to ensure that you do not rip or damage them.

Smooth Rough Skin

Your feet can be prone to thick, rough skin because they are rubbed by socks, shoes, or boots. You can remove hard skin by rubbing it gently with a pumice stone or hard skin remover. Some pedicure kits also contain foot scrubs that can be used to remove the rough outer layers of skin, allowing fresh new cells to rise to the surface. A little attention every day can make a massive difference to the skin on your feet.

Cleaning the Nails

A nailbrush can help you reach the dirt and grime that can become trapped under your toenails. Firm bristles dipped in warm soapy water can remove any stubborn particles. Thorough cleaning will help your feet stay fresh.

Callus Reduction

Calluses can form on the feet due to rubbing against the hard interior of shoes or boots. You can reduce calluses using specially designed files that gently remove the outer layers of thick skin.

Hydrate Your Feet

The skin on your feet is thicker and rougher than on other parts of your body. It requires special attention to keep it hydrated and supple. Many pedicure kits contain foot lotion to replenish lost moisture. These specially designed moisturizers are often packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals along with heavy duty emollients that condition the skin on your feet.

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