Teething Relief
Teething relief
Many people say teething and potty training are two of the most difficult things you'll go through as a parent. Teething pain can cause irritable moods, clingy behavior, sleepless nights, and a host of other side effects. Babies don't always have an easy way to communicate about any discomfort they feel as new teeth are popping through, so parents need to stay in tune with their children and watch for signs of distress or pain. Teething isn't fun for anyone, but some tried and true products can make it easier for everyone in the household to survive the teething phase. Chilled teethers and toys designed for teething can help to some extent, but often the relief is short-lived. Teething relief products, most specifically teething gels or teething relief liquids, can dramatically improve the teething experience for baby as well as for mom and dad.
Surviving teething in babies and toddlers
Each baby deals differently with teething pain and discomfort. Some children may wake up crying when they would normally sleep straight through the night. Others might want to be held and cuddled all day. Some babies may feel especially distressed, crying without relief, seeming inconsolable. Many times the pediatrician will recommend steps to take in order to help ease the discomfort of teething in children. Children's doctors may recommend a certain dosage or daily use of various teething relief products to help baby feel comfortable again. Walgreens offers many different teething relief gels, liquids, and tablets to help infants and toddlers to get past the pain and frustration of teething. Parents can follow recommendations and advice by their children's doctors to ensure safety and comfort during the weeks and months of teething. With each new tooth, some relief should come, at least until the next new tooth starts to break through the gums. A variety of products gives parents the ability to find something that can soothe their kids' mouths. Different flavors like cherry and grape make teething ointments easier to apply and more agreeable to cranky children. Teething drops, gels, and dissolvable tablets can help to reduce the symptoms of teething, allowing little ones to relax and go back to their fun-filled days.