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Turmeric For Arthritis

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52 items*
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Turmeric for arthritis

Turmeric is a fragrant herb that is commonly used to add flavor to foods and dishes in many types of Asian cuisine. For centuries, turmeric has also been used a folk remedy for addressing various types of illnesses and disease. Scientists have isolated the natural chemical in turmeric that appears to be responsible for its benefits. The chemical is called curcumin. Early analyses of curcumin have revealed that it functions as an anti-inflammatory. This is an ingredient that reduces inflammation or swelling of body tissues. This discovery has led many natural practitioners and researchers to speculate that turmeric may be beneficial for addressing medical conditions that involve inflammation. One of these conditions is osteoarthritis. This is a disease in which the materials that insulate the joints break down. This leads to inflammation, pain and stiffness. Since curcumin is an anti-inflammatory, it could potentially help ease this inflammation and reduce discomfort of the joints. There have only been a handful of tests conducted to prove this hypothesis. Therefore, more research is needed to understand and confirm the health benefits of turmeric for arthritis.

Options for Arthritis Pain Relief

Some studies concerning the use of turmeric supplements for osteoarthritis have been promising. Based on current research, the Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database classifies turmeric as "possibly effective" for alleviating arthritis symptoms. Turmeric supplements come in capsules and tablets that are easy to take with water. Be sure to follow the directions carefully. If you wish to try a turmeric health supplement, you may want to use it along with other products such as ointments and patches. You will also find a number of other solutions for arthritis pain at Walgreens. These include heating pads and over-the-counter pain relief products. If you have gallbladder disease, are pregnant or nursing or have acid reflux disease, do not take turmeric. Those who are on medications or herbs that thin the blood may be at an increased risk of bleeding when using turmeric. Consult your doctor before using any herbal or over-the-counter treatment for arthritis.

This summary is intended for general informational purposes only, and should not be interpreted as specific medical advice. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration does not strictly regulate herbs and supplements. There is no guarantee of purity, strength, or safety of the products. As a result, effects may vary. You should read product labels. In addition, if you are taking medications, herbs, or other supplements you should consult with a qualified healthcare provider before taking a supplement as supplements may interact with other medications, herbs, and nutritional products. If you have a medical condition, including if you are pregnant or nursing, you should speak to your physician before taking a supplement. Consult a healthcare provider if you experience side effects.

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