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Walgreens Dietary Supplements

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Walgreens dietary supplements

Walgreens dietary supplements include vitamins and mineral supplements as well as formulas containing other ingredients that can be beneficial to health. Walgreens dietary supplements are an economical alternative to name brand dietary supplements.

Dietary supplements from Walgreens

The comprehensive assortment of dietary supplements from Walgreens includes individual vitamin supplements such as vitamin C as well as multivitamin supplements and mineral supplements of various types and strengths to suit a wide range of needs. Walgreens dietary supplements that are based on other potentially beneficial substances, including probiotics and glucosamine are also a part of the range of dietary supplements available under the Walgreens label. Different types of Walgreens dietary supplements are available in different formats, from traditional multivitamin capsules to softgels containing calcium and other nutrients.

Choosing Walgreens dietary supplements

If you take a vitamin supplement such as vitamin E or a multivitamin, or mineral supplements including calcium or iron, switching to Walgreens dietary supplements can save you money without your having to compromise on quality. All Walgreens dietary supplements are tested to make sure that they conform to proper quality standards. If you need more information regarding which Walgreens dietary supplements are right for you, ask your doctor or a qualified nutrition specialist. You may want to ask about the potential benefits of herbal supplements such as garlic or even green tea, and you may also want to discuss the benefits of other Walgreens dietary supplements including fish oils.

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