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Wheelchair Accessories

180 items filtered*
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180 items*
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Wheelchair accessories

Wheelchairs increase mobility and make it possible for people who can't stand for long periods of time to move around and maintain some of their independence. There are a number of accessories available for use with a wheelchair that adds to their functionality and comfort. One of the most helpful for people who spend time in a wheelchair is a wheelchair tray. A wheelchair tray is easy to attach to most wheelchairs and provides a flat surface for reading and writing, eating a meal and doing other manual tasks. Wheelchair trays are designed to be easy to clean up after a meal. Another accessory that adds to the comfort of a wheelchair is padded armrests. Padded armrests elevate the arms and make it possible to sit more upright in the chair while reducing the tendency to slump forward. This improves posture and reduces the risk of back and neck pain. Wheelchair armrests are made of a durable, vinyl material with padding underneath and are easy to clean. For the wheelchair occupant on the go, there are accessories available to carry along personal belongings and other necessities. An example is a wheelchair pack. These convenient packs attach quickly and easily to the back of a wheelchair, providing a storage compartment for everything from reading material to a sweater or coat. When the pack becomes dirty, simply take it off and drop it in the washing machine.

Cane holders, oxygen carrying bags, headrests, and ramps

What about transporting crutches or canes? There's an accessory for that too. A wheelchair cane and crutch holder attaches to the back of a wheelchair to securely hold canes or crutches. For those who require oxygen, there's an accessory to hold an oxygen tank. An oxygen carrying bag can be attached to the back of a wheelchair to carry along with the tank. These bags are made of durable nylon that's easy to clean. Leg comfort and support is vital for anyone who sits in a wheelchair, especially for long periods of time. Elevating leg rests place the occupant's leg in an extended and elevated position for greater comfort. This also helps to prevent edema in the feet due to fluid accumulation. Sitting in a wheelchair for long periods of time without support for the neck and head can trigger neck spasms and lead to headaches. Wheelchair headrests, available as add-on accessories, provide support for the head and neck while sitting in the chair. Another convenient wheelchair accessory, especially for travel, is a wheelchair scooter ramp. These ramps are ideal for creating a bridge between two uneven surfaces that a wheelchair can safely cross over. For example, they work well for moving up or down a curb and can be folded away for easy storage. For added peace of mind, wheelchair seat belts are available to keep wheelchair occupants secured to their seat when traveling around to reduce the risk of injury. As you can see, there are a number of accessories available to make using a wheelchair safer and more comfortable. Explore each option carefully before making your selections.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.