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Manicure & Pedicure Tools

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Manicure and Pedicure Tools at Walgreens

All day long, people notice your hands, and when warm weather arrives, your toes may make an appearance in sandals and other footwear. When your nails are on display, you want them to look their best and that means keeping up with grooming at home. Walgreens can help you complete manicures and pedicures at home like a pro with a diverse assortment of manicure and pedicure tools. Here you’ll find everything you need for nail care. You can use the menu on the left-hand side of the page to browse product. In-store pickup is available or the order can be shipped to your home.

Trim to Just the Right Length

Keeping your nails trimmed doesn't just help them look their best. Regular trimming also decreases the risk of damaged or broken nails. Trimming nails is often easier after softening the nails by soaking, bathing or showering first. It’s best to use tools designed specifically for clipping nails.

  • Nail scissors give you plenty of control and work best for trimming fingernails.
  • Clippers create an even cut with just one squeeze and can be used for the hands or feet.
  • With its extra-strong jaws, a toenail nipper provides a solution for thick toenails too hard to cut with conventional clippers. It’s also perfect for trimming artificial fingernails.

Perfecting the Shape

Once your nails are trimmed, it's time to shape them, and nail files, emery boards and shapers are the tools to reach for. The rough surface of these tools produces friction to remove small amounts of nail for reshaping the tips or smoothing rough edges. A coarser surface is ideal for creating the basic shape, while a finer surface is best for fine detail work. Emery boards and nail shapers are disposable and can be used until the surface becomes worn. Then it’s time to replace them. Nail files are usually made of metal and designed to be reused again and again.

Caring for the Cuticles

Cuticles are the thin layer of skin along the base of fingernails and toenails. Some individuals prefer the way their nails look when their cuticles are neat and tidy. Orange sticks and cuticle pushers can be used to gently reduce cuticles.

Managing Rough Skin

Rough patches and thickened calluses form on the hands and feet due to friction. The purpose of the rough skin and calluses is to protect your hands and feet, but some calluses can cause discomfort and some people don’t like the way they look. You can use a pumice stone, callus file or battery-operated exfoliator to minimize rough patches and calluses. These products gently lift away accumulated dead skin to soften and smooth hands and feet.