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Acne Cleanser

59 items filtered*
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59 items*
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Acne cleanser

Choosing the right acne cleanser is imperative to stopping painful and embarrassing breakouts. The right product for you depends on your skin type, age, and a few other factors. Try a few different brands to find the one that best clears up your complexion. There are also other skin care products that can help you fight breakouts include cleansing pads, lotions, and creams.

Choosing an acne cleanser

There are many acne facial washes and body washes available on the market. Some are meant to clean out your pours during the teenage years, and others are formulated to handle adult acne issues. Look for a brand that targets your specific problems, such as red blotchy breakouts or blackheads on your face and body. Also look for a cleanser that is meant for your skin type. If you have an extremely oily complexion, use a product that addresses that issue. If your skin tends to be dry and flaky in some areas, find a brand that moisturizes as well as cleans.

Acne washes for sensitive skin

If you have particularly sensitive skin that is prone to breakouts, use products that are designed specifically for your skin type. The last thing you need is more irritation added to your already uncomfortable condition. Look for brands that are free of added perfumes and are gentle cleansers to unclog your pores. If you have frequent reactions to synthetic chemicals, natural skin care products are another option for combatting your blemishes.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

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