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Acne Creams

25 items filtered*
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25 items*
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Acne Creams at Walgreens

Acne creams cleanse your pores and help alleviate the symptoms of acne breakouts. These facial cleansers combine skin care products with astringents to penetrate to the base of pimples and help eliminate them at the source. The creams typically come in both daily use formulas and maximum strength versions for severe breakouts. A beauty regimen that includes acne creams can help lead to clearer skin and prevention of future acne breakouts.

Choosing the right facial cleanser for your needs

A wide variety of facial cleansers exist. Some employ additional ingredients, including moisturizers and exfoliants, to help maintain a healthy complexion. Experiment with a variety of acne creams until you find the one that best suits your needs. The perfect cleansers for your skin should quickly remove pimples without noticeable side effects. If you notice increased dryness or rough skin, stop use and try with a different product. Allow time between product changes to help determine which creams show the best results for your skin.

Acne skin care variations

Acne creams are designed to help address problems directly related to breakouts. Active ingredients often include hydrogen peroxide and similar desiccants to dry any moisture or skin oils that block your pores and result in pimples. Some variations provide additional protections, such as menthol products to reinvigorate the skin or shea butter for further moisturization. Ingredients commonly found in sunscreens and similar ultraviolet protection products may also appear in some acne cream formulas. Along with acne creams, offers plenty of additional acne treatments options.

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