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Acuvue Contact Lenses

26 items filtered*
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26 items*
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Acuvue contact lenses

Acuvue contact lenses come in a variety of different styles suited to different eye conditions. These comfortable contact lenses are easy to use and work well even in challenging environmental conditions. Acuvue makes several different kinds of contact lenses from toric to dailies to long term lenses to fit all different preferences. carries them all.

Choosing contact lenses

Acuvue contact lenses come in a few different versions, including contact lenses intended for people with astigmatism or presbyopia. Individuals who need a different prescription for the top and bottom of the visual field can opt for bifocal contact lenses. For people who want to change their eye color, colored contact lenses with different eye color shades are available. Many contact lenses also provide protection against UV rays, which can help protect the eyes from cataracts. Most Acuvue contact lenses are intended for multiple days of use, although the company also makes daily disposable contact lenses as well.

Using Acuvue contact lenses

No matter which Acuvue contact lenses you choose, you will need to use a cleaning and disinfecting solution to keep them clean when they are not in your eyes. A contact case can be useful if you need to bring your contacts with you when you are on the go. Some people who use Acuvue contact lenses also keep a pair of eyeglasses to use when the contacts are being cleaned or when an eye injury or irritation makes the use of contact lenses impractical.

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