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College Ruled Notebooks

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College Ruled Notebooks

Even with the ever-growing role that computers play in research and note-taking today, you'll still find that it's important to have several high-quality notebooks for you to write in. From taking classes to jotting down phone messages, notebooks provide an easy and convenient way to keep multiple pages together. At Walgreens, we have a wide selection of college ruled notebooks that allow you to make the most out of every page and organize your thoughts concisely.

College Ruled Paper vs Wide Ruled Paper

Every country has its own standards when it comes to the types of paper used for note-taking. In the United States, a decision typically comes down to using either wide ruled or college ruled paper. While the physical sheets are often the same size, the big difference between these two types of paper is the amount of space between the lines (and also the number of lines that can fit onto a single page).

The lines on college ruled paper are printed 9/32 of an inch, or 7.1mm, apart from one another, while wide ruled paper has lines printed 11/32 of an inch, or 8.7mm apart. The type of paper you choose basically comes down to personal preference. People whose handwriting is smaller often prefer to fit more writing on a page and will choose college ruled notebooks. Those with larger handwriting, on the other hand, might prefer wide ruled paper.

Types of College Ruled Notebooks

Once you have decided that college ruled notebooks are right for you, there are a number of other factors to consider. First, the thickness of the notebook will vary based on the number of sheets of paper it contains. Some notebooks are meant for students to be able to take notes from multiple different courses, so they will include cardboard dividers after a certain number of pages.

Other notebooks are designed to be thin for easy portability and will only contain a limited number of sheets. You'll also need to choose the ideal width and height of your notebook. Letter-sized notebooks have paper that is 8.5x11 inches, and they are usually the standard for schoolwork. If you just want a notebook to carry around with you and jot down ideas, however, you can find options that are much smaller. Also be sure to check out other office supplies available at Walgreens.

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