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1818 items filtered*
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1818 items*
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You could change your look to match your mood everyday with the wide range of cosmetics available. There's everything you need in individual selections, whether you're looking for a concealer, a foundation, or searching for a mascara of just the right color. There are even makeup kits available that contain everything needed to provide a specific look for regular application. Suitable kits are even available for children who are just learning about makeup application through the use of subtle shades and colors.

Mineral Makeup

For those with sensitive skin, mineral makeups are available that are deemed safe due to the use of only micro minerals throughout. There are no added fragrances, preservatives, oils or talcum powders to cause a negative skin reaction in these mineral-based cosmetics. With a mineral powder foundation, you can begin coverage with mineral makeup from the skin outward, adding mineral blush, eyeshadow and any other makeup type desired from a number of different makeup brands. Many brands of mineral makeups also work as a protective layer from sunlight, containing an actual SPF rating.

Makeup remover

With cosmetics, what comes on must eventually come off. As with the wide variety of cosmetics available, there's also a wide range of makeup removers intended for quick and efficient removal of any makeup used. Cleansing wipes are typically large enough for a single wipe to clear away the entire face to remove the makeup to the pores. Cleansing gels provide a viable alternative to wipes if a traditional cleansing wash is preferred. The gel dissolves the makeup down to the pores as well, with only a quick rinse required to remove all traces of makeup from the skin.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.