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Hinged Knee Brace

10 items filtered*
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10 items*
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Hinged knee brace

If you suffer from knee instability or pain, hinged knee braces can help support and stabilize. These knee braces move with your body, and are designed to prevent your knee from hyperextending or getting out of alignment. These knee stabilizers can offer more stability and support than some basic braces. You can choose your knee brace with hinged bars from a variety of sizes, colors and brands that include Champion, OTC Professional Orthopaedic and McDavid

Protecting your knee

Hinged knee braces feature strong support to help do the work that injured or weak ligaments may not be able to do. These braces can also help to keep knees in line to prevent further strain to the ligaments. If you're not sure a stabilizing knee brace is what you need, there are a variety of other athletic knee supports that can be used to prevent strain during athletic activity by keeping the knee well supported and in place.

For pain and other support

You'll also find athletic braces for the wrist, leg, foot, ankle and more within the aids to daily living section of our home medical department. There are different types of bandages and athletic tape as well as post-surgical care dressings and more. If you have joint pain, try heat therapy products and arthritis relief that can help.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.