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Nail Polish Coat

26 items filtered*
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26 items*
Price and inventory may vary from online to in store.

Nail polish coat

Finish painting your nails in one coat with nail polish coat. You can speed up the time it takes for you to finish your at-home manicure or pedicure when you use a one coat nail polish that thoroughly covers your nails with just one layer. Take your pick of bold, bright colors that have an extra glimmer with glitter. essie nail polish coat can give your nails an extra sparkle.

More nail color options

If the color you desire isn't available in these nail polish coat nail colors, browse our wider selection of nail polish to find what you're looking for. We carry nail color in nearly all colors of the rainbow, so you can match just about every outfit. Pastels and neutral shades can blend with almost any ensemble. Bright nail colors draw extra attention to your nails.

Decorative nails

Take your nails one step further with nail art that you can apply and design yourself. Try stencils to create precise patterns. Nail color pens allow you to draw lines and fill in shapes. There are also nail stickers and other nail art accessories available to use to create your own nail art masterpiece.

* The total item count is approximate. The count will be inaccurate when sponsored products are displayed, when multiple sizes or colors of a product are grouped on a single product card, and when the in-stock filter is applied. Restrictions apply.

* Restrictions apply. See for more information.