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Fragrance Creams

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Fragrance creams

Fragrance creams help to complete the perfume layering experience. Find ones that also offer your skin extra benefits, such as those with moisturizing or age defying properties. Your favorite line of perfume may already contain a cream in the same scent. It is best to stick to the same scent while layering. For example, if you use floral shampoo, buy a cream in the scent of another flower extract.

Looking for extra ingredients in fragrance creams

Along with loving the scent of a cream, look for ingredients that give your skin the boost it needs for a healthy appearance. Many available brands offer extra skin care benefits as well. Look for extra moisturizing properties if you have drier skin or ones with a tint of color if you want a natural youthful glow without risking the damage that the sun can do.

Choosing fragrance creams for men

Many cologne lines for men also contain creams to help moisture your skin. Choose a cream with a scent that complements your shaving lotion or aftershave. Even if you do not use any other men's facial products, applying a fragrance cream will help smooth out any irritating dry patches or other blemishes.

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