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For relief from itchy, uncomfortable skin conditions and athlete's foot, try Tinactin. Tinactin Spray and Tinactin Cream are formulated with Tolnaftate, a powerful medicine that kills the fungi that can cause skin infections. This medicine is a safe, effective weapon that can help you win the war against your skin condition.

Pick the best formula

Whether you choose an antifungal cream or spray for your athlete's foot remedy, the end result is the same. Both work equally well in stopping the growth of fungi that can lead to uncomfortable skin conditions. Simple to apply and convenient to use, a spray formula is often handy in situations where you need a quick treatment, such as when you are at the gym or on vacation, while a cream formula is a great choice for everyday use at home. Whichever formula you decide to use, Tinactin is the smart choice to treat your skin condition quickly and effectively.

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