Stores near 11372
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- Flu Shots & VaccinesRemove Flu Shots & Vaccines
- 1Duane Reade3766 82ND STJACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 113720.5 mi
- Store & Photo
- Open until 10pm
- Pharmacy
Pickup available - 27575 31ST AVEEAST ELMHURST, NY 113700.6 mi
- Store & Photo
- Open until 11pm
- Pharmacy
- Closes soon at 9pm
Pickup available - 39312 ASTORIA BLVDEAST ELMHURST, NY 113690.6 mi
- Store & Photo
- Open until 11pm
- Pharmacy
Pickup available - 4Duane Reade7301 37TH AVEJACKSON HEIGHTS, NY 113720.7 mi
- Store & Photo
- Open until 11pm
- Pharmacy
Pickup available - 58277 BROADWAYELMHURST, NY 113731 mi
- Store & Photo
- Open until 11pm
- Pharmacy
Pickup available
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* Medical services are provided by affiliates of Village Medical Management LLC. Providers and staff are employees and/or agents of Village Medical Management, LLC or its affiliates; they are not employees or agents of Walgreens.
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