91 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose, including accidental misuse with medication prescribed by a doctor. Help us fight prescription drug addiction. Together, we can stop an epidemic.
Combat Opioid Abuse
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How to recognize & reverse
an opioid overdose
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What are opioids?
Prescription opioids are a type of strong pain-relieving medication used to treat moderate to severe pain. Heroin, an illegal drug, is also an opioid.
Signs of opioid abuse & addiction
Opioids can be addictive even when only taken for a short period of time. It's important to contact a healthcare provider for more information if you or someone you know is showing these signs:
- Not being able to stop taking the opioid
- Sleep pattern changes
- Taking higher medication doses than prescribed
- Seeking opioids from different prescribers
- Constricted pupils
- Appearing high or euphoric
- Nodding off, even in the middle of sentences
- Paraphernalia, including pipes, straws, syringes, rubber tubes, syringe caps or droppers
- Poor memory or concentration
- Anxiety
- Slowed breathing and movements
- Mood swings
- Apathy, depression or lethargy
- Heart & lung problems or infections
Talk to your pharmacist
Your pharmacist is your best source of information about preparing for and recognizing an opioid overdose and can also help you:

- Use self-care and other non-opioid pain relievers to manage pain
- Manage the most common opioid side effects
- Safely store your medications when not in use
- Dispose of opioids or other medications that are no longer needed
- Manage all medications safely and effectively