Cancer Medication & Side Effects Resources | Walgreens
Get the latest information on common treatments
Get the latest information on common treatments
Visit NCODA to learn more about your specific cancer medications.
- Cancer medications
- Drug facts
- Instructions
If you have questions or concerns about your cancer medication or are experiencing unexpected side effects, call your Walgreens Specialty Care Team at 888-782-8443 .Easy-to-use medication tools
Easy-to-use medication tools
Managing treatment side effects
Managing treatment side effects
Changes in libido & sexual function
Difficulty swallowing
Fertility problems
Hair loss
Loss of appetite
Mood changes, depression & forgetfulness
Mouth sores & dry mouth
Nausea & vomiting
Peripheral neuropathy
Skin & nail changes
Taste change
Side effects resources
Side effects resources

Monday through Friday
8 am to 10 pm ET