myWalgreens health goals
- What is myWalgreens health goals?
myWalgreens health goals is a myWalgreens benefit that encourages users to set and meet health goals. Earn Walgreens Cash rewards for every 4-week physical activity and healthy lifestyle challenge week you complete at myWalgreens health goals. You can manually track progress or sync a health device or app to automatically track challenge activity.
- What do I need to use myWalgreens health goals?
You must have a account and a myWalgreens membership to use the program.
- Where can I find the myWalgreens Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions?
- When is earning Walgreens Cash rewards through the myWalgreens® Health Goals service discontinuing and how will this affect me?
Earning Walgreens Cash rewards through the myWalgreens® Health Goals service will be discontinued as of November 16, 2022.
As a result, all existing and future wheel spins will no longer be available after this date. Any health goals that were in progress, regardless of what week you are on within your goal, will be terminated as well.
Don’t worry! These changes will not impact your current Walgreens Cash rewards balance in your myWalgreens account.
Eligibility and Joining
- How do I start using myWalgreens health goals?
Visit myWalgreens health goals and click the Register Now button at the top right side of the page. You must be a myWalgreens member to join. If you already have a account, enter your username and password and click Sign In.
- Do I need to be a myWalgreens member to use myWalgreens health goals?
Yes. If you don't already have a account, you can create one while signing up for myWalgreens health goals.
- Do I need a account to start using myWalgreens health goals?
Yes. If you don't already have a account, you can create one while signing up for myWalgreens health goals.
- What if I can't register because I've forgotten my username or password?
Follow Forgot your Username or Password? for assistance on finding your username and resetting your password.
Connecting a Device or App
- Can I set up my health or fitness device/app usingmyWalgreens health goals?
No. You'll first need to activate your device or app by following its included instructions for use, including the set-up on the manufacturer website, if applicable. Then you're ready to link it to myWalgreens health goals and start automatically logging activity and earning Walgreens Cash rewards. (If you don't have an account yet, it's easy to register.)
- How do I connect/reconnect my device or app to auto-track my activity?
- Which devices and apps can be linked to myWalgreens health goals?
Walgreens supports a number of leading fitness and health devices & apps for auto-logging myWalgreens health goals. Please visit Health Apps & Devices to see all eligible devices and apps.
NOTE: MyFitnessPal, MedHelp, Walgreens Connect, Runkeeper and Jawbone are no longer supported by myWalgreens health goals. If you previously connected your myWalgreens health goals account to any of these devices or apps, your activity data will no longer be automatically entered. - Why doesn’t my auto-tracked device data appear on my account?
Your connected device or app may have been disconnected from your account or is no longer supported. Visit Health Apps & Devices to see all eligible devices, apps and connection instructions.
- Why am I not earning Walgreens Cash rewards from a connected a device or app?
Your connected device or app may have been disconnected from your account or is no longer supported. Visit Health Apps & Devices to see all eligible devices, apps and connection instructions.
Earning Walgreens Cash rewards
- How do I earn Walgreens Cash rewards for myWalgreens health goals?
Earn Walgreens Cash rewards for every challenge week you complete at myWalgreens health goals You can manually track progress or sync a health device/app to automatically track challenge activity. Your healthy activity can also be tracked automatically if you sync select health and fitness devices & apps. Earn Walgreens Cash rewards for every challenge week you complete at myWalgreens health goals. You can manually track progress or sync a health device/app to automatically track challenge activity.
- How many Walgreens Cash rewards can I earn for each activity?
You will earn $0.25 Walgreens Cash rewards each week you complete a healthy challenge (up to $1 Walgreens Cash rewards total). Successfully complete all 4 challenge weeks to earn a bonus prize wheel spin worth up to $2 Walgreens Cash rewards.
- When will my Walgreens Cash rewards be added to my account?
In most cases, Walgreens Cash rewards earned by logging activities directly into myWalgreens health goals (or via the Walgreens mobile app) will be added to your account immediately, but it may take up to 48 hours for Walgreens Cash rewards to be reflected in your account.
- When will my Walgreens Cash rewards be added to my account?
In most cases, Walgreens Cash rewards earned by logging activities directly into myWalgreens health goals (or via the Walgreens mobile app) will be added to your account immediately, but it may take up to 48 hours for Walgreens Cash rewards to be reflected in your account.
- When will I see the activity I logged using my fitness or health device/app in my account?
Third-party device and app vendors push activity information to myWalgreens health goals periodically, throughout the day. These activities will typically be reflected in Graph and List views within an hour of syncing your device/app.
- Will I be able to see my Walgreens Cash rewards history for healthy activities within myWalgreens account?
Yes, myWalgreens members will see one line item for each activity that resulted in earning Walgreens Cash rewards for health goals in the Activity Summary. Walgreens Cash rewards history will only show the last 180 days.
Setting Goals and Logging Activities
- How do I start a myWalgreens health goal challenge?
Sign in at myWalgreens health goals then click "Get started" on a challenge card to view all available challenges. You are able to participate in two challenges (one physical activity challenge and one lifestyle challenge) at the same time.
- When do myWalgreens health goals challenges start and end?
All challenges begin on Monday and expire in 7 days. Sync your device or app or manually track progress every Sunday by 11:59 pm CST to earn $0.25 Walgreens Cash rewards each week.
- How do I earn a challenge prize wheel spin?
You must complete all 4 weeks of a physical activity or lifestyle challenge to earn a bonus prize wheel spin worth up to $2 Walgreens Cash rewards.
- How do I view my myWalgreens health goals challenges?
Sign in at mywalgreens health goals to see all current and in-progress physical activity and lifestyle challenges.
- How do I automatically log an activity?
Visit Health Apps & Devices and search for your health app or device by category or operating system. Once you select your tracking device or app, visit myWalgreens health goals to view available health challenges. Challenges that allow automatic tracking are noted with "Track automatically with an app or device." Your progress will be automatically tracked with a compatible tracking device or app (e.g. weight with a connected scale, blood pressure with a blood pressure cuff, steps with an activity tracker).
- How do I manually log an activity?
Sign in at myWalgreens health goals to view health challenges, then select Track to manually select your successful days.
- Why can I no longer earn points using Balance Rewards for healthy choices?
Balance Rewards for healthy choices has been replaced by myWalgreens health goals. For more information, read the myWalgreens FAQ's.
- What happened to Balance Rewards for healthy choices?
Although Balance Rewards is no longer available, you can still earn Walgreens Cash rewards for every week you successfully complete a health challenge. You still have the chance to earn bonus rewards by completing all 4 healthy challenge weeks.
- What changes were made to the Balance Rewards for healthy choices challenges?
myWalgreens health challenges are similar to Balance Rewards for healthy choices challenges. However, instead of earning Balance Rewards for healthy choices points when you meet your health goals, you can now earn Walgreens Cash rewards.
- Do I have to be a myWalgreens member to participate in myWalgreens health goals?
You need to sign up for myWalgreens by April 16, 2021 to participate in myWalgreens health goals and earn rewards for challenges.